February 6, 2020

2020 Goals

What are your 2020 goals? Is there something that you want to accomplish in your business? Grow revenue by x percent, purchase a new piece of machinery, hire more staff? There are many different goals for all businesses. The first thing to do is to define what your goals are, then you can take the first steps towards accomplishing them.

“A goal without a timeline is just a dream.” -Robert Herjavec 

Have you even started planing for them? Have you started working towards them? Goal setting is very important for businesses it is a marker for you to use to see how you are doing. There are several steps to setting goals, most people like the “SMART” system.

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-Based

How do you get to your goals? Here is a simple 3 step process for getting to where you want to go.

  1. Admit you are confused. It’s easy to deny when we’re directionless. We want to project confidence even when we don’t feel it. So it’s hard to admit we’re missing something. But that’s the first step toward clarity: admitting we don’t have it. When I admitted that I needed renewed clarity, I was ready—and able—to find it.
  2. Ask your advisors for input. I am a firm believer in what Solomon says: “Without counsel, plans fail, but with many advisers, they succeed.” Using a business consultant will help with that insight that you may be looking for. You may get both confirmation and pushback. This will help give you a clear sense of your message and mission.
  3. Just start. Once you have your direction all that was left is to move toward it. The last step is practically the most important. Clarity is composed of knowing and doing. Now that you know what you want to do take small steps towards that goal every day. Do something that moves you towards your goals.

This last step is the hardest and most incredibly liberating. We don’t have to see the whole thing at once. Don’t waste a lot of time and worry about developing a complete plan. As we make progress toward your goals, the clarity will come.